The Reversing of Disease with Water Ionizers
Posted by Alkaline Water Plus on 19th Feb 2009
Research shows that the consumption of alkaline ionized water reverses the acidity in the body tissues and organs which leads to disease and as such leads to reverse-aging. It is a well-known fact that diseased organs are acidic. Therefore, it follows that to reverse the acidity of the organs and tissues in the body could reverse the course of diseases.
Dr. Otto Warberg (Nobel Prize Winner, 1932) stated that “Cancer is caused by the lack of oxygen and the fermentation of sugars.” This is due to a low pH acidic environment.
Why does ionized water help the overall health of both animals and humans? There are several reasons:
- Alkaline ionized water can buffer an acidic body or diet with more alkalinity for healthy body cells, tissues and organs. This further allows toxins (acids) to leave the cells, tissues, and organs and be flushed out of the body. Thus, alkaline ionized water produces in the body a healthy state of slightly alkaline pH, and research shows that fungus, cancer and other disease pathogens do not thrive in an alkaline state, they do well in an acidic state.
- Water in any form does not require digestion, and thus bypasses the digestive system and goes straight to the cells, tissues and organs needing hydration as soon as the pH of it is adjusted in the stomach and upper intestines if needed. An example of this: If a person who is constipated is directed to drink 16 to 32 ounces of alkaline ionized water and wait about 20 minutes, they will see a dramatic effect in hydrating the tissues in the rectum which will in turn allow the elimination process to occur.
- Alkaline Ionized water is reduced in cluster size to about half the size of what comes out of your tap. This contributes to the cells, tissues and organs ability to absorb that water and thus achieve the hydration needed to reverse the diseased condition.
- Water going into the water ionizer first goes through a sophisticated filter which removes the harmful chemicals and substances from the water, but allows the good minerals (such as calcium and magnesium) to pass through.
- Ionized water contains natural anti-oxidants, which have a better effect in the body than orange juice does, because of the tiny size of these antioxidants.