Healthy Ionizing Antioxidant Hair Brush Helps Skin Too
Posted by Alkaline Water Plus on 13th Jul 2016
For several months I've been using my new healthy ionizing antioxidant hair brush, The Ionic Hair Brush, with great results. It makes my hair smooth and shiny. Even at the age of 65 I get regular compliments on my hair.
The other day I had the idea to try using the hair brush on my skin. By lightly going over the surface of my arms, neck and face a few times I've noticed a few things. 1) It seems to make my skin feel softer. 2) It seems to heal my skin faster.
Just today I nicked my hand and punctured my skin a bit (causing it to bleed and get irritated). I held the Ionic Hair Brush up to it for a minute or two and it seemed to take the red swelling away and later in the day I noticed it seemed to speed up the healing of the wound.
Because of my many positive experiences with the Ionic Hair Brush I got the idea to use my ORP meter to test for the antioxidant-levels that the brush puts out. I was actually amazed to see that the levels literally go off the dial. My meter was unable to read past about -1900 ORP, so when I put the probe too close to the center of where the antioxidants are pumped out, it couldn't read the number till I pulled the probe away a bit. Here's the video showing that. Warning: Don't breathe this hydrogen. It may not be safe for that purpose.