Whole Story Behind Alkaline Water Plus
Posted by Alkaline Water Plus on 14th Mar 2014

Alkaline Water Plus offers education on the benefits of alkaline ionized water from a former teacher/principal, who has been writing about, testing, and comparing water ionizers for many years. Here’s the whole story behind Alkaline Water Plus.
I used to have allergies to mold, grass, pollen, and dust ever since I was a child. My children had several allergies as well, and because I was interested in nutrition and natural healing I made regular trips to the health food stores.
During the entire year before I purchased my first water ionizer I had a recurring sore throat which I had no idea how to solve. I had it tested, but the doctor said it was just caused by post-nasal-drip, related to allergies, and suggested antihistamines. I didn’t want to take medications; I just wanted to fix the problem at its source; yet hadn’t found the answer yet. Other than this I thought at the time I was pretty healthy, and I think it is pretty typical of most people.
My First Water Ionizer
At about 40, I was in the middle of raising 5 children and being a teacher/principal when I read Sang Whang’s book, Reverse Aging. It made a lot of sense to me that water could greatly impact one’s health and longevity, because our bodies are made up mostly of water. So, I did a search and bought an alkaline water machine, which was called the Ange water ionizer.
After drinking alkaline water for a few months, what happened was miraculous. All of the runny noses, ear aches, head aches, sore throats, acid reflux, and other little defects in our health started to disappear. Even allergies that I was sure were genetic and unavoidable disappeared. As each of my three younger children reached puberty they were virtually free of the acne problems experienced by my older two children [who didn’t have an alkaline water machine growing up].
Opening Alkaline Water Plus
After retiring from my 24-year career as teacher/principal, I decided to use the skills I learned in the area of computers to open up an online store. During a brainstorming session with my coach I decided to sell water ionizers, because I realized that this was in fact the single most useful and effective product in the field of natural health that I had ever purchased.
Though I was skilled in computers, it was a year-long task to build my first AlkalineWaterPlus website. I wanted it to be both easy-to-use and educational [that was the teacher in me].
When I searched for the best of the existing water ionizers I found many things I was thrilled with: 1) water ionizers had improved over the years; and 2) the prices had come down relative to inflation.
Water Ionizer Comparisons
I could see that every water ionizer company said their water ionizer was best. I really didn’t know the truth though, so I began buying, testing, demonstrating and comparing water ionizers regularly, as a service I provided to my customers on the web. My water ionizer comparisons page has become the largest, most comprehensive and honest one you will find anywhere. I have always been open to selling every water ionizer [except maybe Chinese-made ones]. It is important for me to represent the truth, though, and not to forward on the companies’ hype about themselves. Some water ionizers were clearly better than others, although all the ones I ever sold were good. Some of the companies I was selling for didn’t want me to report my comparisons, of course, if their water ionizer hadn’t tested as well as the others. But I just kept reporting even if it did get me in trouble with a company or two.
Still to this day I continually buy and test new water ionizers to bring more real water ionizer comparison information to my customers.
Water Ionizer Reviews
I wish it weren’t true, but it is… that many companies often tell lies about themselves and about their competitors. Being a dealer and working with the companies and products gives me the inside story and an edge on knowing the truth, vs. hype. That is the reason I have been so thorough. You can read more about that on my Water Ionizer Reviews page.
What are the long-term effects of drinking ionized water?
Because I have been drinking ionized water for so long, and I sell water ionizers, I feel it is my responsibility to periodically do blood work or other specific, scientific or medical tests to verify that what I sense to be true [that I’m perfectly 100% healthy] is verified. I have written more about that here: The Long-Term Effects of Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water.
Long-Range Plans for Alkaline Water Plus
Alkaline Water Plus has always had its driving force as a passion for sharing the benefits of ionized water with people everywhere. As we grow and expand that is where our focus will remain. No matter what water ionizers we sell or don’t sell at any given time, we will always offer the best water ionizers that are available right then. We will always present the facts as we know them in our water ionizer comparisons and water ionizer reviews. But even more emphasis will be placed in the future on finding ways to teach people about how important water is to health. So many people are concerned about their health, but at the same time have no idea of the importance of a simple thing such as water to the health of every cell in their body.