GERMBLASTER: For the Easiest Household Cleaning & Disinfecting Ever!
The Germblaster is a special type of machine that...
- Produces water with between 50 and 200 ppm of hypochlorous acid in it.
- Has enhanced spraying action to make the job of spraying easier.
- Germblaster water is able to kill both germs and viruses.
- Germblaster water cleans too, and leaves no residue on surfaces.
- The Germblaster is really easy to use!
Using the Germblaster is a fully effective solution to cleaning & disinfecting in a safe and natural way.
How to Use the Germblaster
- Fill the bin up to the line designated with cold tap water.
- Add both table salt and citric acid to the water in equal parts.
- If you add 1/16th tsp (which is the size of the tiny scoop provided) the water produced will contain about 50 ppm of hypochlorous acid. This is good for most applications.
- If your job requires a stronger solution of hypochlorous acid, you can add more salt and citric acid in equal parts.
Note: When I added an additional 1/4 tsp of each I was able to get a concentration of 200 ppm of hypochlorous acid in the solution. You can use these guidelines as a general rule. But you will need to purchase your own chlorine test strips if you need to know and verify you are getting a very specific concentration for your purposes.
Simply plug in your Germblaster overnight and it will be ready for the next day. Do not operate the Germblaster when it's plugged in or you will waste the battery-life. Also, do not operate it without water or if it is filled too high (above the "MAX" line indicated).